MacWorld 2009 Rumors


Even without Steve, it's clear that something is going to be shown at MacWorld tomorrow. The most likely ones seem to be about Snow Leopard - due out the first part of this year. There's also the possible update to the Mac mini. There's the news that the updated 17-inch MacBook Pro will not have a removable battery like the current 17-inch has, the word being that the new battery has a significantly increased energy storage - upwards of 50% more.

Now this last bit makes me hopeful for a quad-core 17-inch MacBook Pro. The new battery may be necessary to keep the 'lifetimes' of the machine in the same ballpark as the existing machines. It's certainly possible with Intel's recent announcements about more mobile quad-core CPUs available - and Acer's announcement that they will be shipping a quad-core laptop.

Thankfully, with Twitter so common this time around, it'll be easy to listen to the updates from the keynote. I would surely like to see the quad-core MacBook Pro... but I have my doubts.