Interesting SQLite3 Wrapper from Gus Mueller


In keeping with the digging I've been doing with SQLite3 this morning, I found this link on a web site discussing Objective-C SQLite3 wrappers. I happen to think Gus' work at Flying Meat is really nice, and given that, it's probably a pretty solid piece of code. I like the fact that it complements CoreData in that it deals with the data in the database as just that - data in a database. The object-level abstractions are great for CoreData, but if I have data that I need to store in a database that's not an object representation, for some reason, then I want this kind of access to make it easier to get to.

I'll hang onto this link just in case, as SQLAPI++ doesn't have SQLite3 bindings and I know that I might very well need them sooner or later.