Latest GAIM

This morning I looked to see the status of AOL's blockage of the Oscar protocol from GAIM. As it turns out, there aren't a lot of issues left, but as AOL finds a bug in libfaim that doesn't break their client, they exploit it. As one would expect, they are working hard to find as many bugs as possible in libfaim. However, the authors know that and they are busy taking care of them. It's an interesting problem. At some point AOL is going to have to just let go and forget about it. It's a loosing battle fighting reverse engineers... they have your product, can see what it's doing, and have the benefit of being able to architecture the best system to mimic that behavior.

Anyway... I downloaded the latest GAIM and will build and install it to see if the Oscar protocol works. If not, I'll use TOC until a release does work and then stick with that.

Big interview today... gotta stay frosty...