Grrrr… Comcast is Down


OK, there's a few things that get under my skin, and Comcast being down is one of them. It's not the end of the world - it's not even a reason to get really angry... but it's part and parcel of my work and what I do. It's the way I get my news, stay in contact with tracking packages, etc. It's my primary personal interaction medium. And when it's down, I'm disconnected.

I don't really use the phone all that much. There are probably weeks where I don't make or receive a call at home. I need it for emergencies, but that's about it. I don't know of anyone that uses US mail to send me anything anymore. It's just not done. I know people that start their day with the Wall Street Journal, and if they don't have it, there's a serious feeling of loss of information.

So I don't read papers, talk on the phone, or mail stuff. I do all these activities on the computer: RSS feeds, IM, email... it's my morning routine. Except for days like today.

Well... when I get into work I'll be able to get a connection there and then be able to get what I need.

UPDATE: it's just come back up at 3:52 am... OK, let's get what we need and head to the train.

UPDATE: a minute later it's down again. Grrrr....

[9:25 am] UPDATE: still down. I've gotten a call from the house saying the internet is down, and I said "Yup, it's Comcast". It's still down, and I now wish I'd moved to git from CVS as I'd have what I needed on my laptop. It's not horrible, but it's annoying, and getting more so. I want the line back up.

[1:00 pm] UPDATE: Liza called and it was back up. Hope it stays up.