There’s Hope for the X-Y Line Graph!


For quite a while, we've been trying to make a true x-y line graph with VantagePoint. The problem has always been that the traditional line graphs assume that the points on the x-axis are simple markers and equidistantly spaced on the axis. Not good if you have scientific data.

I heard back from Gordon at VantagePoint and they do having something that I can use to create a true x-y line graph - the TwoDimCrossScatterViewer. It turns out that this graph takes pairs of columns (x,y) as the Variables and then plots them independently on the graph. Not bad, but I need to connect the points as well. Gordon has that covered as well:

   * This is the way to draw a line between points on a cross scatter graph.
  for (int var = 0; var < itsGraph.getNumCrossVars(); ++var) {
    VariableAttributes   va = itsGraph.getVariableAttributes(var);
    va.setOption(VariableAttributes.voiDrawLine, true);

With this, I can make it look a lot like the traditional line graph, but instead of just giving me columns to plot as lines, the users will have to give me pairs of columns for a single line - just like you'd want.

I'll need to make a new kind of graph, but that's not a problem. It'll be similar to the line, but under the covers it'll be a very different beast. Good job, Gordon!