Updates to Quip

Interesting thing happened this morning - I finally figured out what was happening and why the runs were taking so long. If the user put in single quotes in the quip, then the command line gets messed up and the default time-out is set to infinity. So... if there were quotes in the string, then most likely we'd have a problem. This explains everything... the logs, the frozen processes, everything. Nice.

So I fixed it in two ways - make the default timeout 20 sec. in the code and make the calling of the code work properly when the quip has special characters like quotes and slashes. The first was easy. The second wasn't too bad after I dug a bit into the PHP manual. There's almost a single-function answer to this problem, but it was a very easy two function call solution. Nice.

So now we have the quip working properly for the unusual data of quotes, etc. This is really nice as it'll probably save me a ton of grief on locked processes. Good to know that the possibility of being hacked has also returned to near zero.

Oh... I checked this morning and sure, enough, we're on Google and I can search (and find) my pages. Very nice. I've done several searches in Google and sure enough, I'm there in a big way. I love this game!