Safari 3.2 on Software Update


I got a nice little surprise today when I went to my machine and noticed that Software Update had Safari 3.2 on it! Sweet! I haven't read all the release notes, but I'm guessing this is the WebKit update that has SquirrelFish in it for JavaScript interpretation. I've been laid up with this back problem, but I'm hoping that as soon as I'm well enough to sit at a desk for a while, I'll be able to have a look at the release notes and see what's all there.

OK, I had a look... seems this release has the anti-phishing features some other browsers have had for a while, and that's nice to have, but they didn't release SquirrelFish, as the Acid3 test is only at 77, and I know SquirrelFish and WebKit have been up to 100 for a while now. So it's better, but it's not the best WebKit can do in this release.

That's OK, I'm sure Snow Leopard will have all the latest in that release at the first of the new year.