In a Good Organization, Communication is the Key


This morning I walked in to find that over the weekend about a dozen of my machines around the globe had been rebooted. Normally, this is OK because the Unix Engineers tell me this and I get online on Sunday evening and fix things up so that everything is ready to go in the morning. But because they didn't tell me, I had no idea, and was playing catch-up for a few hours this morning to get things up and going.

Now I realize that this isn't the end of the world. It impacted a few users for an hour tops, but the idea is that the preventative medicine here was a 10-sec email. That's it. When the effort to make things "good" is that little, I'd think it's worth doing. Keep the lines of communication open. Make sure people understand what's happening. That's all I'm asking for.

Well... this time it was more than they did. I was very disappointed, but things got going. It's just that I don't feel the need to keep them up to date of my changes, if they aren't going to keep up their end. It's degenerating into an every man for himself environment and that never works out well.