iTerm is Out


I was just thinking of how nice it'd be to get rid of the scroll bars on my windows, and it got me thinking about iTerm. I wondered if there was an update - so I ran it and sure enough, iTerm is out, and it fixed quite a few little things:

Version includes the following changes:

  • Fixed a bug that cause crashes when using vim.
  • 256 Color palette support (patch provided by Walter Dorwald).
  • Improved URL handling for ssh/ftp/telnet.
  • iTerm no longer sends a growl alert for a bell event if the winodw is the key window.
  • Highlight window when it's in the "send input to all tab" mode.
  • Better handling of "fork" errors.
  • The anti-idle is no longer sent to all tabs when "send input to all tabs" is on.
  • Other minor UI changes and bug fixes.

While I'm not sure it's still the complete replacement for, it's great to see that they haven't given up on it.