Unexpected Crash of PDFpenPro 13.0.1


Back in June, I wrote to the folks at Smile, about an issue I was having with PDFpenPro 13.0.1 on my laptop. It was annoying because I could copy and paste some Form Fields to a document, but then when I tried to save it, it'd lock-up, and go non-responsive to Finder as well as the "spinning beachball". It was very repeatable, but depended on the file. Some had this issue - some didn't.

They were able to reproduce this issue, and said they'd get on it. I was thrilled that it would soon be resolved, as it was a great PDF authoring tool for Forms and Text Tags - which I've been doing a lot for a project at The Shop.

Then I read that Smile was selling PDFpenPro and PDFpen for iOS/iPadOS to Nitro, and I got a little concerned that the bug report, and corresponding fix, might be falling through the cracks. So today I sent an email asking for a status on the issue, and we'll see what they happen to say. I really do hope they fix this crashing bug because other than that, PDFpenPro is an excellent tool.

UPDATE: they wrote back, and for the time being, support for PDFpen(Pro) is being handled by the Smile folks, and Jeff at Smile mentioned that it was still an open issue, and that he'd pass along my question about a status. We will see.