Another Boost in the CryptoQuip Performance


Today I got an email from my friend about the times we were getting on the pattern function in the code - that function that turns the word into a sequence of ints that corresponds to the character pattern of the word. So we might have:

  => (pattern "see")
  [0 1 1]
  => (pattern "rabbit")
  [0 1 2 2 3 4]

At the time, my best code looked like this:

  (defn pattern
    (mapv (into {} (map vector (distinct word) (range))) word))

and the times we were getting just for this function were not as good as his version:

  (defn pattern
    (loop [p [] d {} n 0 f (first word) r (rest word)]
      (if f
        (if (contains? d f)
          (recur (conj p (d f)) d n (first r) (rest r))
          (recur (conj p n) (assoc d f n) (inc n) (first r) (rest r)))

On 1000 calls he was beating me by a couple of milliseconds - and it makes sense... he's building the map as he goes, and I took the time to build it up-front, and I'm paying the cost for it. The big cost is that I then have to run map again to use the map I just created. His code builds and uses the map at the same time.

So I was trying to think of a way to speed up the process, and I couldn't think of a simple way, and then I decided just to try a simple test - use the Java indexOf method to get the index on the distinct string and then return that. The code then becomes:

  (defn pattern
    (let [dw (distinct word)]
      (map #(.indexOf dw %) word)))

The times were startling:

  cq.main=> (time (dotimes [_ 1000] (bob "bivteclnbklzn")))
  "Elapsed time: 0.342 msecs"
  cq.main=> (time (dotimes [_ 1000] (bret "bivteclnbklzn")))
  "Elapsed time: 3.605 msecs"

where bob is my new version with indexOf and bret is his version with the loop/recur.

A factor of 10x. Wow! Ten times faster. Make the string and use the inherent properly of the string and it's index to do the mapping. What a hoot! I have really enjoyed working on this with my friend.

When we put this into the web server, we get even better solve times:

[12:29:13.757:qtp1360409373-14] INFO  cq.block - Finished match-up [8 words] in 1ms.
[12:29:13.763:qtp1360409373-14] INFO  cq.block - Finished solve in 7ms.

...just amazingly fun.