There’s So Much to Learn… I’m Just Stunned

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Sure, I'd like to learn to be a really good designer, but I know there might not be enough time in my life to get good enough at it to justify the investment. But there are also a lot of things I'd like to get up to speed on - closure's core.async, Swift, and a lot of things like that. I would love to be able to learn, and then apply these tools. It sounds like a lot of fun.

But there's a different class of still - not a skill like design, not another tool, but the understanding of the interdependent parts of a complex system. For example, I'm doing more topology tests this morning and I'm seeing behavior in the relationships between the bolts that I simply would never have guessed. It's stunning, and it makes me smile.

There's no class for this. There's no Tutorial for this. This is you, the machine, and time. This is testing how well you understand this deterministic machine you've built, and looking at the input, can you understand why the behavior is what it is?

It's almost detective work.

What a blast.