Pulled Additional Fields from Salesforce for Demand Adjustment


This afternoon I realized that we really need to have a few additional fields about the closed deals for the demand adjustment. Specifically, we have no idea of the start date for the deal, and while we have the close_date, that's not much use to us if it's empty, as many are until they have an idea of when they really want to shut down the deal. Additionally, one of the sales reps pointed out that there are projected sales figures on each 'option' in a deal, and rather than look at the total projected sales and divide it up, as we have in the past, we should be looking for those individual projected sales figures and using them - if no sales have been made.

Seems reasonable, so I added those to the Salesforce APEX class, and ran it to make sure it was all OK. There were no code changes to the ruby code because we had (smartly) left it as a hash, and so additional fields aren't going to mess things up… but in out code we can now take advantage of them.

Surprisingly time-consuming because I had to drop tables, and add properties and get things in line - but that's what happens when you add fields to a schema… you have to mess with it. Still, it's better than using a document database for this stuff. Relational with a simple structure beats document every time.