I've been fighting a problem with our CouchDB installation using the CouchRest interface for ruby/jruby. What I'm seeing is that when I have a lot of updates to CouchDB from the REST API in CouchRest, we start to get socket connection errors to the CouchDB server. I've gone through a lot of different configurations of open file handles on both boxes, and nothing seems to really 'fix' the problem.
So what I wanted to do was to make a queueing database class. Currently, we have something that abstracts away the CouchDB-centric features, and adds in necessary metadata so that we can more easily track all the data held in CouchDB. This is a nice start, in that I only really needed to add to the bulk of the code was a simple flush method:
where I initially started with it being implemented as:
def flush
At this point, I was free to do just about anything with the Database class - as long as I didn't change the public API. What I came up with is this:
What I really like about this is that I can use it either way - as a cacheing/flushing endpoint, or as a straight pass-through with thread-local database connections. This means that I can start with a simple config file setting:
data_to: 'database'
writers: 3
which will give me three writer threads, as specified in the start method argument. Then, when I fix the CouchDB issues, I can switch to the simpler, thread-local connection storage with the code:
Database.start(config.writers)if config.writers>0
The call to flush is a no-op if we didn't start anything, so there's no harm in always calling it at the end of the process. Pretty nice. I've easily verified that this gets me what I need, and it's just a matter of how 'throttling' I want to be with the writing of the data to CouchDB. But I tell you this… I'm closer to MySQL than ever before - just because of this. There's no reason in the world to put up with this kind of software if it can't do the job.
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on Friday, November 9th, 2012 at 11:55 am and is filed under Coding, Cube Life, Open Source Software.
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