More Salesforce APEX Code
Based on a few rules we're trying to implement in the system, I needed to dive back into the Salesforce APEX code for our endpoint(s) and add a few things that weren't there now. Specifically, I needed to take one more step to getting the two endpoints that deal with Merchants a little bit closer together. This wasn't all that easy as APEX is like Java, but not, and testing the code is not easy, and even editing the code isn't all that easy. is a web site. So to edit the classes, you need to copy it out of a text field, paste it into some local editor, do the changes, copy that out and paste it back into the text field (assuming it hasn't timed out), and then save it. To test it you need to go to a different web page and put in your URL, with parameters, and then see what results you get.
It's workable, but its nowhere near "efficient". I know from a friend that works there that things are changing, and that would be great. Something to make the development process with Salesforce easier would go a long way to making the entire experience, and therefore the impression about Salesforce, a lot better.
Still… it's possible to write code, and test it. But in a group, it means that you have to be very good with communication as you can easily step over people's changes if you aren't careful. And if you have someone changing the mapping code while you're trying to change what you get out of the API, then it's going to get ugly.
And it did.
It was a pretty stressful time, but in the end, I got what I needed done. Just not very happy with the overall experience. Certainly something to be avoided in the future, if at all possible.