More Issues with JRuby 1.7.0 and Dir.glob


We have been trying to move to JRuby 1.7.0, and running into a fair share of issues along the way. But still, we press on. Today we tried again, and failed, being stuck by another Dir.glob issue that has been a persistent little problem for us.

There are a lot of reasons we want to be on JRuby 1.7.0 - better socket implementation, better handling of exceptions up the stack, and better ruby 1.9 compatibility. All good things. But not being able to deploy in a jar has been a real pain. We need to be able to do this, and without it, we really can't move.

So we have been digging into the issues. Thankfully, for the latest one we have a work-around. It seems that JRuby 1.7.0 can handle Dir.glob, but only if the "path" does not start with jar:. Very interesting.

The work-around, then, is very simple:

  def project_root
    @project_root ||= File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)).gsub(/^jar:/, '')

will get the root of the project in the filesystem or jar, and then if it starts with jar:, it'll strip it off. We use this for all file pathing, and we're good to go!