Protecting Yourself from API Changes


Today, while working on a bunch of other stuff, I got a chat from the data scientist in Palo Alto asking me why the service tag changed to primary_service, and what else changed. Turns out that the folks I'm getting the data from has decided to change the data format I was getting from them, without telling me about it. Nice.

The problem wasn't that it only took me an hour or so to change the ETL on the data to get it back to where I needed it, it was that they decided to change it in ways that weren't required without telling us anything about it! I know this is often the case, but we're supposed to be on the same team, and they just didn't bother telling us.

I know the point of the ETL code is to fix that up, and allow us to insulate ourselves from changes on their part, but it's also the timing. These guys could not possibly have been in my position yesterday or they'd never have done it. It's one of those cardinal rules of making an API - once you have it, you stick to it! If you have to change it, it's because it doesn't work, and then you open a discussion - even a simple "heads-up" email, to make sure that people are aware of the change that's coming, and why you had to make it.

It's not horrible, and I liked that I got new data that made the results better, but it was the way they did it that was annoying. I fear that this isn't the last such occurrence from these guys.