Making Really Great Progress Today


Today we've had a lot of really great work done. Things are starting to accelerate, in part because we're down a few guys due to a clojure-rewrite of the main app, but also because we're focused on making real and significant progress on the project. It's been all-(remaining)-hands on deck, and it's been really nice.

I've done a lot of email to folks about things we need their assistance with. In some cases it's just knowledge transfer, in others it's liable to be a little more complex. Still, we need to get all these issues figured out before we release this to the users, and since someone has to do it, it might as well be me.

At the same time I've made some nice progress on closing some stories for the calculations done and logged in the app. Nothing amazing, but due to the optimistic nature of 90% of the ruby code I've seen, it really means tracking down the potential errors and making the code more robust as well as implementing the actual features. It's nice to see things really start to take the shape of a completed app - especially when there are so many people working on it, as it more often resembles swiss cheese than a working app.

I still would like to get some answers from a few folks, but that's what I'm waiting on now - external dependencies. I've never been very patient, but I'm going to try hard to last this out with a nice, and gentle attitude. Personal growth time.