MarsEdit Updated to 2.1.4!
Yesterday, I got a tweet from 'MarsEdit' saying that 2.1.4 was released, but it was too late in the day for me to have the time to download it and see what's what... so this morning that's the first thing I wanted to do.
The changes really don't seem to effect me much as they are for Blogger and a few things to do with drag-n-drop in the preview window. Not bad, and I'm sure there were a ton of people clamoring for these changes, but I'm still looking forward to the time when I can resize the main Edit Post window smaller than it's current default. Also, an improved media library window would be nice - things like the size of the icons... organizational features like folders, etc. All these would be nice, but it's not essential.
Anyway, it works, and it's nice to stay up to date even if you don't need the updates right away.