No Longer Unemployed (Almost)

Great News

Well… as Liza kept telling me, the dry spell is over and I've accepted a job offer from Groupon. The offer is really nice, and most importantly the environment and the work look to be incredible. I interviewed with my new manager, and he seems like a really nice guy, and I think we really hit it off. Don't get me wrong, I'm not thinking this is going to be all sunshine and ponies, but it's going to be a lot nicer than the kind of environment I've been in for the last several years. I'll be learning a new domain, certainly picking up some new language skills, and going to work in shorts in the summer. You just can't beat that.

So it looks like I'll be starting on Monday July 16th, and I'm really looking forward to it.

Oh… did I say, they all use Macs. With 27" Cinema Displays. That's a pretty sweet development set-up, if you ask me.