Rockin’ the Social Coding on GitHub – ARC Support for XMLRPC

GitHub Source Hosting

This morning I decided to check out the Pull Requests on GitHub. Specifically, I've always wondered how they work, and what the interface is, and I've had a nice little example waiting for me in the XMLRPC library that I'm using for SyncKit. So now is as good a time as any.

The core of adding ARC (Automatic Reference Counting) support for a Cocoa project is that ARC support is really compiled into the code. ARC is basically the LLVM correctly identifying when retain, release and autorelease need to be called, and then putting that code into the compiled executable without it having to be in the source.

It's slick, clean, and makes the code a lot less prone to memory issues. But there are things you can't do in ARC code that you can do in retain/release code - like compare-and-swap atomic operations. This is bad for the really low-latency stuff, but when you get into iOS, the ARC stuff is really a much easier way to make sure your app - and not you, has good, clean memory management.

I picked up the following simple fix for ARC support from Gus of FlyingMeat fame, and his FMDB project on GitHub:

  #if ! __has_feature(objc_arc)
    return [NSMakeCollectable(temporaryUUIDString) autorelease];
    return (__bridge_transfer NSString*)temporaryUUIDString;

Because the LLVM compiler knows what the illegal methods are, it's a simple matter of going through all the code and correcting it a line at a time. It took me about two hours to do, and then I had something that worked great for AppKit and UIKit. Sweet.

So this morning, I forked the repo on GitHub, then cloned it to my MacBook Pro, made the changes and cleaned up the whitespace a bit, and then checked it all in and pushed it up to GitHub. Now was the time for the Pull request.

Happily, it's very simple. GitHub knows the commits you have done since the fork, and it's simply a matter of sending those commits to the original project maintainer, and it's up to him to incorporate them or not. You can write a nice set of comments to go along with the pull request, and I did, but I'm not sure that's all that necessary for something this simple. But is was fun.

It's off, and now it's up to Eric to see if he wants to support this. I've got my forked repo now, so it's no big deal to me, but it'd be nice to be able to stay up to date and see the code get better because of my involvement.


UPDATE: It was accepted!

GitHub Pull Accepted

This is why I love public domain coding. I can work to make something better, and the author looks at it and says Sure, why not? This is a great thing we are doing - those of us that can code well… and we need to do more of it. Give more than you take. That's a great motto.