Refreshed My Web Site

Today I spent time scouring the web looking for the basis of a good HTML/CSS design for my web site. I know my limitations, and designing a nice web site is one of them. But if you can get me close, I can fine tune things to be exactly what I want them to be. So it happens that I came across the Minimalist theme, and I was off to the races.

Bob Beaty Home

This is a lot more professional looking than the old "fields of dreams" style that I was using for more than a year. Probably more than two. In any case, it wasn't as processional as I wanted. I wanted a clean interface. Something that was not a fixed width. I wanted a lot of white, and very little graphics. There's no need on my personal site - it's just the information in a nice, easy-to-read format.

I'm very pleased with the design, and while I was in the pages, I added a few things like a complete page for DKit including the links to GitHub where they can get the code. I wanted to have the site be more of a showcase than it was. I think it's looking a ton better already.

Nice upgrade.

[6/20] UPDATE: this morning I went back in and fixed up a bit of the CSS to make it look quite a bit nicer. There were a lot of named class values that just didn't exist in the CSS, and I'm thinking it was planning as opposed to oversight, but we'll never really know. It's looking a lot better now, and that's what matters.