Java 1.6.0_33 Update from Apple

Software Update

This morning I saw that Apple had updated Java to 1.6.0_33 for OS X Lion (10.7), and while I know in the back of my mind that Java is now in the hands of Oracle, and for Mountain Lion (10.8), I'm going to have to be at the complete mercy of Oracle for Java, I'm secretly hoping that some folks at Apple see that it's in their best interests to keep Java in Apple's hands.

To me, Oracle is a database company, and a very specialized one at that. Sun was desperate to sell out to them, and in that I wish they hadn't. I'm not at all sure about the Java coming out of Oracle. Maybe it's OK, maybe it's only part of the JVM/JRE - hard to say. I just wish Apple hadn't passed on Java for OS X like they did. Makes me nervous.