iPhoto, iMovie, Thunderbolt – Lots of Updates from Apple

Software Update

This morning I saw that there were updates to iPhoto, iMovie, Thunderbolt drivers, and even the AirPort stuff… so of course I had to update all that. This is nice, but I'm not really using iPhoto all that much, and I haven't had the time or material to really get into iMovie, so the updates are really just so-so to me. But what wasn't so-so was the reboot.

For the first time ever, when I logged back in, BBEdit was back in the right place on Spaces. Xcode was too. The only exception was MacVim. Everything else was back in place and just where I left it. This was awesome!

The updates in OS X Lion that started this "clean reboot" were really nice, but a few apps never really worked with it, and BBEdit was one of them. It'd restart, but it wouldn't put the windows back where they "came from". It wasn't a horrible issue, but there were just a few apps that didn't do it right. Well… no more.

Now BBEdit and Xcode are back where they were, and the only thing I have to do is get back into the directories I was in with my Terminal.app sessions. Too bad they don't save that, but who knows? Maybe they will in 10.8?