Upgraded to Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

Mac OS X Lion

A few weeks ago, yeah, I know, I've been busy, I got Lion (10.7.1) from the Mac App Store and installed it on my main MacBook Pro. The upgrade took longer than I really expected - the downloading was not fast at all. But I will say, it was smooth. Very smooth.

The big issues I found with Mac OS X Lion is that Colloquy 2.3 wasn't really working properly. Thankfully, all the other apps that I depend on day-to-day were working fine. I still have the problem that Twitterrific does not work when the video card is changed and it tries to "pop up", but hey, it's a small price to pay, and it's not just Twitterrific - it's all the pop-up Twitter clients I've tried. Kind of disappointing.

Anyway, Colloquy had a new build that does support Lion, and it's available from the Colloquy Downloads Folder. Go there, get the latest, or at least 2.4, and you're in business. Kind of surprised that they aren't more responsive as Lion has been out there for a while, but at least they have something that works for me.

Other than that, Lion is working just fine and the look and feel of the OS is very nice. I especially like the vanishing scroll bars. On Terminal.app, I've been asking for those for ages, and I now have them. Good. Fantastic.