Hammering, Banging, Pushing and Pulling – Searching for Speed


Today has been a reasonably successful day as long as we stretch the meaning of 'today'. Everything has been running well for the next round of tests, but I was still trying to get just a little more speed out of the UDP broadcaster, or maybe the NBBO engine. When all you do is look at the logs of a process you get thinking that maybe you can cut that 200 msec to 100 msec, and if you can do that then you can speed everything up. It's a vicious cycle.

So I spent a lot of the day working up different approaches and testing them against what I've already got in the test system. In every case, what I had was faster. Darn. But maybe it's good news in that I'd done a good job already, so I didn't have any real improvement to do. Like I said, it depends on how to define 'today'.

I have a successful system, but it was already that way. I just proved that I couldn't make it any better. Well... that's something.