Working on Ticker Plant Efficiency

Today I noticed that I had a serious problem with the CPU usage of my ticker plants. Specifically, the OPRA channels were 3x or 4x larger than they had been before I had made the last round of changes. Not good. Many of the ticker plants were above 100% CPU utilization, and when you have that many plants on an 8 core box, it's not good to have four or more of them taking more than a complete CPU. Yikes.

So today was spent trying to find where they problems were. I guess I knew where they were - in the code that changed, but the problem is, that code was for the conflation queue, and that needed to be changed, and the resulting code is just awfully slow.

I have a feeling it's in the boost unordered_map, but I'm going to try and make it work, if possible, for the alternative is a nasty bit of code - another trie and this time very large. I don't want to have to do that.