Bug Hunt 101


There comes a time when you are done with the major issues and start to do the full-up tests when you run into little bugs that take all of about 15 mins each to solve, and you spend hour after hour fixing these little nagging problems. It's the polish in the project. You could leave these in and have the system restart, but that's got no class. You need to spend the 15 min and just fix it.

That's what I've been doing all afternoon - fixing these issues. I've solved a bunch of them, but I think there are a few more that I need to handle. Certainly when it comes to communicating with the Broker. That guy needs some help when it comes to massive hits from all my ticker plants starting up. I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to deal with them, but I know I'm going to have to.

It's all a part of the process. At least I'm no longer writing bash scripts. That was also necessary, but wasn't nearly as fun.