Finally Able to Nail Down the Best Bid/Offer Server


Today has been a long day of working on getting a few details done and then focusing back on the Best Bid/Offer server. I have been struggling with a boost asio crash in the code, and I started removing things until there was just about nothing left. What I found was that it was in the exchange feeds - but they have been tested in isolation pretty well. What's up?

Well, I started to look at the code again and then it hit me - stack versus heap allocation and the copy operations. In STL's map, you create an empty value and then copy in the contents. If I've been lazy in the least, I could really have messed myself up there. So I decided that it wasn't worth the worry and switched to pointers and the heap. Now I wasn't copying anything and I just had to add in NULL pointer checks to a few places.

When I made those changes, everything worked really well. Wonderful!

I then took the time to add some stats to the client so I could see the delay from the datagrams hitting the initial server to the final client. A simple min, max, average should be sufficient, and it was pretty easy to build.

Very nice work.

I'm beat.