iTerm2 Updated to Alpha 12


I checked this morning and the iTerm fork called iTerm2 released a new update and it was chock full of a lot of updates and bug fixes:

Alpha 12

Featurepalooza! And bug fixes, too.

New features:

  • Instant Replay: This feature makes iTerm2 behave like TiVo. You can press cmd-opt-b to step back in time and cmd-opt-f to step forward in time. If something is erased from the screen, it's no longer lost forever. This feature can be turned off in Preferences as it does take a bit of extra memory and has a small performance impact (less than 1%).
  • Paste History: When you copy or paste text in iTerm2, it is now saved in the paste history. You can pop up a window at the cursor with cmd-shift-h which shows the last 20 strings in the clipboard. The list is searchable Quicksilver-style.
  • Mouseless Selection: Do you often copy-paste text within the same window? Now you can do it without using the mouse. Open the findbar with cmd-f and search for the text you wish to copy. When part of the text is matched, use the tab key to expand the selection to the right by a full word and shift-tab to expand it left to the previous word boundary. It's automatically copied to the clipboard, or you can use opt-Enter to paste the selection immediately.


  • Findbar appearance improved.
  • Add undo/redo to edit menu.
  • Add zoom shortcut for cmd-opt-=.
  • Read larger chunks from the network for better performance.
  • Idle CPU usage reduced.
  • Refresh rate adjustment removed, dynamic refresh rate added.
  • Input Method Editor wraps at end of line, scrolls window if necessary.
  • IPV6 support for Bonjour.
  • Bug fixes:

    • Memory usage growth when Bonjour enabled (hopefully, 43).
    • Toggling Bonjour takes effect immediately (89)
    • Make resize look better (98)
    • Restore colors on exit of Vim (99)
    • Make bookmark window resize properly (114)
    • Select name field when copying/creating/editing bookmark (127, 128, 181)
    • Scroll by selection in fullscreen window (133)
    • IME improvements (163)
    • URLs with i18n chars can be selected now (174)
    • Tab lables updated when toggling compact tabs (196)
    • Better multi-monitor support (201)
    • Set localization vars better (204)
    • Fix return to default size (223)
    • Improve i-bar cursor appearance (235)
    • Numeric shortcuts displayed properly (241)
    • Prevent 100% transparency because it doesn't focus (250)
    • Fix bugs with AquaSKK (263)
    • Fix bug where page scrolling sometimes broke.
    • Fix creeping window size when toggling fullscreen.

Quite an impressive list. I'm excited to see how it plays out.