Gearing Up for Full-Up Tests

Today I was working on the Enrichment Server part of the Ticker Plant system and was making pretty good headway when the Chief Architect came up to me and asked me what it would take to get a complete, full-up, system going. "Well... I'm pretty close... I'd say a few days." I thought. "Good! Let's try for the end of the week." Sounds OK to me.

There were a few things I needed to get back into the source code for the tests. We'd done a significant change to the messages - ripping out the old 64-bit security ID in favor of the std::string security key, and the group that was going to use this needed to have the security ID for trading reasons. So I had to add that back in, but only in the Client code as it makes no sense to slow down the upstream systems for the few that need this feature.

So I started digging into my git repo to find the check-in where I took it out. I have to say, for a "universal" client, gitk is not bad at all. It's pretty decent for being platform neutral. I was easily able to find the check-in and then look at the diffs and see what I needed to add back in.

It took a little bit, but it was not really hard. Just a little time.

Unfortunately, the Broker and it's infrastructure is not up, so I can't test. But when I can, it'll be nice to make sure all this works. Then I just need to find memory for my box as it's got far too little to be effective for a complete SIAC feed... but that's a task for the management types who control the money.