Stop Trying to Beat the House


OK, this afternoon I was testing out my market data server and I ran across a bug. It was an annoying little thing, and I deserve to have been bitten by it for trying to beat the house. And by this I mean trying to be smarter than the OS and library builders. The original method looked something like this:

 * There are times that you might want to see the numeric
 * representation of the contents of this string. These methods
 * make that easy enough to do and take care of all the dirty
 * work for us.
int CKString::intValue()
    bool    error = false;
    int     retval = 0;
     * We're going to loop over each character in the String until we
     * get to the end. As we're going, we'll be building up
     * the return value. If we find a character that's not a digit
     * then we'll return what we have to this point, just as atoi()
     * would.
    for (int i = 0; i < mSize; i++) {
        // see if it's not a digit
        if (!isdigit(mString[i])) {
        } else {
            // accumulate the value
            retval = retval * 10 + (mString[i] - '0');
    return error ? 0 : retval;

the reason I chose to roll my own atoi() was that I was thinking that the system routine did too much and all I needed was to add up the value. How easy could that be?

I should have learned from Vegas - Never bet against the House!

The bug was the string '-1'. Clearly, I hadn't allowed for the '-'. When I added that into the code, and then added in the allowance for whitespace on the leading (left) side, I was looking at something that I realized that the system call was just as efficient, probably more so. When I realized how silly it was to try and beat the house, the new version of the method became:

int CKString::intValue()
    int     retval = 0;
    if (mSize > 0) {
        retval = (int) strtol(mString, NULL, 10);
    return retval;

which works just fine and is probably more efficient than I could have easily written. Lesson to self: Never try to beat the House!