Google Chrome dev 8.0.552.5 is Out


Once again, the Google Chrome guys have pushed out a new release, this one's only "release note" is: Fix minor stability issues. Some day, we'll read that this is really something akin to wiping out your hard drive, and they just wanted to downplay it so as not to harm "the brand". Like so many things in life, perception is far more important than reality.

Still, it's nice to see it getting better. I'd really like to see the OpenGL accelerated rendering and playback in the Mac OS X port, but I can wait.

UPDATE: I'm still disappointed in the default zoom rendering. It has all the graphics in a very 'rough' state until the window stabilizes, and then it redraws it to the right scale. Annoying, and I'd have thought they could put in the default CSS, but that's not working in this version either. Oh well... I wait for fixes.