Google Chrome’s Fancy Site-Persistent Zoom


OK, color me impressed with Google Chrome. I've been using it for quite a while (except for those few days when I got really sick of Google's duplicity with Motorola) and have been pretty happy with it, but have always wished there were a CSS file - like there is with Safari, that would allow me to "zoom out" all the pages so that they aren't as big as they might normally be. Unfortunately, while there seems to be hints on the net about that, the ones I tried all didn't work.

I was left wishing that I could do what I wanted, but realizing that until Chrome got more advanced, I was probably just stuck with what I had. There's supposed to be a fix in Chrome that allows a user style sheet, but every time I tried to get it to work I failed - miserably.

Then this morning I read about a site-specific zoom setting - and it's persistent! I just had to try it. Sure enough... once I went to a site - even if I had multiple tabs open for that site, a zoom change in one effected all, and survived restart! That's sweet.

What it means is that until I get the global user stylesheet in a way that I can actually get it to work, I at least have the ability to set up my environment and have it look nice after restarts. That's sweet. Very nice.

But guys... really... would it kill you to have the user stylesheet? It's already in WebKit. All you need to do is really use it.