Finished Ticker Plant Persistence and Tested Components
This morning I finally was able to push through and finish the code for my persistence system for the ticker plant. We have a cache of messages in each ticker plant, and they are typically fed from the exchange ticker feed, but in the event that we need to restart the server, it'd be nice to be able to save and load the state of the messages (ticks) so if we have to restart, we can keep the cache in roughly the same state after the restart as before.
This is very important when you need to have a stable price flow. You can't have a restart take out the messages that came in the morning and haven't been seen since. Well... I'm counting on a service hanging off the Broker that is going to handle all the saving and loading for me. I'll simply send maps/lists of data (serialized messages) to the configuration service and when I restart, I'll read from the same. It's fine in that it'll work regardless of the machine, and we have all the tools at our disposal, but the problem is that we need the Broker and it's services up before we can start.
Minor point. If we can't get to the Broker and it's services, we're in a lot bigger problems.
So I got that written up, and a good bit of testing on the authentication service and the basic configuration service. I need to go back to the code now and start putting in calls to the configuration service so that these components and apps can load their configuration from the right source.
Never a dull moment.