Upgraded to iOS 4 on my iPhone 3GS


I saw that iOS 4 was finally on iTunes, and was able to upgrade my iPhone 3GS! I'm excited about all the new features, and then the iPhone 4 that's supposed to be steaming it's way to me in the very near future. Very exciting times!

I'm expecting a slightly sluggish response on my iPhone 3GS, but it shouldn't be too bad. It's supposed to be capable of handling all the features, and there's not a ton that's really taxing on the new OS right now... but we'll have to see.

UPDATE: as I've been using the new iOS, I've noticed that my 3GS is not nearly as responsive as it used to be. The camera app, specifically, has had major delays in processing. Now I don't know exactly why this is, but it's not something I'm really happy to see. Kind of a let-down.

[6/22] UPDATE: I power-cycled my phone this morning, and ran a few critical tests. Additionally, I've read several other reports, and it seems that my initial problems really were transient, and it's far better now. Glad to see the rebound.