Converting Java Properties Config to a Database Schema – Part II
Today I spent time taking the database schema I made yesterday and making it look like a Java Properties file so that I could easily create Properties objects and then feed them to the alerts I had and not have to worry about changing the rest of the code. The problem is, the database schema was logical, but it wasn't anything like what the previous Properties file layout looked like.
The ChatTo and MailTo properties were at the same level as the rest of the parameters, but in the new database schema, it's an entirely new (and separate) table, with links to an existing table for the email address. It's different, all right. After a little messing around in SQSH, I came up with the following stored procedure that takes a set name and returns two columns - keys and values, and from this, I can easily feed a newly created Properties object and we're good to go.
CREATE PROCEDURE sp_getProperties @setName VARCHAR(80) AS BEGIN -- get an answer table to hold the whole lot of it CREATE TABLE #answer ( name VARCHAR(256), VALUE VARCHAR(4096) ) -- get the list of the alertIDs that are in this set CREATE TABLE #interesting ( alertID INT ) INSERT INTO #interesting SELECT DISTINCT a.alertID FROM Alerts a, ALertParams p WHERE p.setName=@setName AND a.alertID=p.alertID AND -- get the list of all active, interesting alerts DECLARE @id INT, @val VARCHAR(4096) SELECT @val='' SELECT @val=@val+CASE WHEN @val='' THEN '' ELSE ';' FROM Alerts a WHERE -- ...and now that it's built, put it into the answer INSERT INTO #answer VALUES('Alerts', @val) -- run through them all, processing each in turn DECLARE actives cursor FOR SELECT alertID FROM #interesting OPEN actives fetch NEXT FROM actives INTO @id while @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN -- get the ClassName for this active guy INSERT INTO #answer SELECT 'Alert.''.ClassName' AS name, a.classname AS VALUE FROM Alerts a WHERE a.alertID=@id -- get the VersionID for this active guy INSERT INTO #answer SELECT 'Alert.''.VersionID' AS name, a.versionID AS VALUE FROM Alerts a WHERE a.alertID=@id -- get the bulk of the parameters for the alert... INSERT INTO #answer SELECT 'Alert.'+name+'.' AS name, p.value AS VALUE FROM Alerts a, AlertParams p WHERE a.alertID=@id AND a.alertID=p.alertID AND p.setName=@setName -- get the ChatTo list for this active guy SELECT @val='' SELECT @val=@val+CASE WHEN @val='' THEN '' ELSE ';' END+u.username FROM AlertRecv r, Users u WHERE r.alertID=@id AND r.username=u.username AND AND r.setName=@setName -- that it's built, insert it into the answer IF @val<>'' INSERT INTO #answer SELECT 'Alert.''.ChatTo' AS name, @val AS VALUE FROM Alerts a WHERE a.alertID=@id -- get the MailTo list for this active guy SELECT @val='' SELECT @val=@val+CASE WHEN @val='' THEN '' ELSE ';' END+u.username FROM AlertRecv r, Users u WHERE r.alertID=@id AND r.username=u.username AND AND r.setName=@setName -- that it's built, insert it into the answer IF @val<>'' INSERT INTO #answer SELECT 'Alert.''.MailTo' AS name, @val AS VALUE FROM Alerts a WHERE a.alertID=@id fetch NEXT FROM actives INTO @id END close actives deallocate actives -- now return this to the caller SELECT name, VALUE FROM #answer END
Now while I'll be the first to admit that this is not the most efficient way of getting the data into a format that I can easily parse, it's pretty fool-proof. I wanted to make the Java parsing as simple as possible, and this does the job - a simple table with two columns - names and values to put in the map. Can't get any simpler than that.
I will say that some of the parts that I think are clever are the building of the strings that are really individual rows in the database - like the list of active alerts, or the list of ChatTo or MailTo recipients:
SELECT @val='' SELECT @val=@val+CASE WHEN @val='' THEN '' ELSE ';' FROM Alerts a WHERE -- ...and now that it's built, put it into the answer INSERT INTO #answer VALUES('Alerts', @val)
We know that the select statement contains an implicit loop, and by using the case statement in the select, we get the delimiters in the right place - as opposed to an unnecessary trailing, or leading, one. I have to give credit for the use of the case to a co-worker. Pretty nice and concise.
With this, I'm able to finish the replacement of the Properties file with a database schema, and that's what I needed. In the coming days I need to make an editor in my web app, and then put a user-serviceable subscription page together so that the users can update what they get on their own. That will be a nice win for the web app.