Keeping Up with The Googles
When I started using the Google Visualization widgets, like the AnnotatedTimeLine, I didn't have any Java-based tools and had to make my own to fit into the Tomcat backend of the web app. Not too bad, Google had an API for the server component, and a pretty complete spec for the DataTable, I just had to build it. So I did.
In the meantime, they have built a Java back-end, and while it's possible to use theirs, it's no better than what I have in mine, so I'm sticking with that, and yet they have significantly expanded the spec for the DataTable. I needed to play "catch-up". So that's exactly what I did this afternoon.
Most of the things weren't too hard, but I'll admit I've postponed the filtering and sorting as I just didn't have time for it today, and I didn't think it was going to be something I needed this week. I'll get around to finishing it, I just didn't get to it today.
The rest is pretty well implemented. I've put in some unit tests (where appropriate), and they are working well. I also ended up making a lot of the objects Cloneable so that it was easy to copy these guys. Details, yeah, but that's where stuff like this lives - all in the details. We now have the ability to get limits on columns, distinct values, etc. It's much more full-featured.
But if Google keeps moving, I'll need to have another afternoon like this. I don't see them making a Java version of this, but if they did, I'd certainly look at it. I'd love to find something that's well-built and completely free of my involvement. But until they do, this is what I'm going to stay on top of.