Lots More Performance Metrics – Very Little Gain

Today I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what the problem was with the hardware for this little feeder app to this larger webapp. I started with a desktop box, and got it set up and running. The times were nice, but still about twice what it was running on my desktop. So that spun off a big investigation as to why seemingly identical boxes are off by a factor of two.

After that for a bit, I was given a Windows Server to check. It was fine, but the times were slower - primarily due to slower processors in the server. Still, it was nice to see that I was able to run the application on Windows Server as opposed to just XP. But in the end, "nice, but no good", I was still a long way away from the marks I'd taken using my desktop.

When I went back to the desktop to try and account for the factor of 2, I noticed the network card was running at 1/10th that of my desktop, so I called in the network support guys to ask to have it switched up to 1Gbps. Turns out, they can't start until 4:15 pm. Yum.

I wish this was more clear-cut. I have something, but not enough. Have to keep at it tomorrow.