Sweet Little Safari Zoom Trick in CSS

With the recent change of Google's home page to the version with the custom buttons, I've had a problem in that they do not respect the width of the browser and in fact, have a fixed minimum horizontal width to make things look nice. I'm not really interested in seeing more whitespace just so I don't have to see the scrollbar, so I was very happy with this hint about how to effect the zoom factor on the Safari page.

I created the file ~/Documents/defaultzoom.css to contain:

  body {
      zoom: 90%;

and then went to the Preferences, 'Advanced' tab in Safari, and added this as the CSS page. It immediately resized the pages to exactly what I wanted. Very nice.

In general, I think there's a too much whitespace on most sites, and this zoom 'out' by default makes it easier for me to see more information in less space. Great.