Implementing a Least Recently Used Cache in Java – Slick

I have to admit that I'm not impressed by Java a lot. It's just the level of familiarity I have with the language. It's just not that often that something really surprises me. So when it happens, it really blows me away. Today is one of those days.

I was trying to implement a Least Recently Used (LRU) Cache, and a co-worker said it would be easy. I doubted it, it's not like it's that easy to make one. But he Googled a few places, and when you base it on the Java LinkedHashMap, it really is easy:

package one.bkit.util;
 * Java System-level Imports
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.*;
 * Superclass Imports
 * Class Imports
 * This class is a simple implementation a Map where only the last
 * recently used entries are going to stay in the map. You can use
 * the default size of 100, or you can give it a size. In either case,
 * every <tt>get()</tt> and <tt>put()</tt> are put through the test
 * the 'most recently used' filter. If the next <tt>put()</tt> pushes
 * one out of the map, then it wasn't in the most recently used.
public class BKLRUCache<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, V> {
     * This is the size of the cache. No more elements will be held
     * in this map than this. After this, the oldest goes to make room
     * for the newest.
    private int             _maxEntries = 100;
    // this is the serial version tag for this class
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 20091014;
     * ----------------------------------------------------------
     *		Constructors
     * ----------------------------------------------------------
     * The default constructor assumes a default maximum size of 100
     * elements such that <b>only</b> the most recently used 100 entries
     * will be maintained in the map. After that, the oldest is discarded
     * to make room for the newer entries.
    public BKLRUCache() {
     * The general form of the constructor takes the maximum size of the
     * LRU cache, and uses that as opposed to any default.
    public BKLRUCache(int maxEntries) {
        // fix the size, keep things flat for speed, and use access order
        super(maxEntries + 1, 1, true);
        _maxEntries = maxEntries;
     * This version of the constructor takes a map and populates this
     * map with up to 100 entries - actually, it'll hold the <b>last</b>
     * 100 entries of the iterator on the argument. It's doing the
     * <tt>putAll()</tt> on the argument, and the way this works, only
     * the last 100 are saved.
    public BKLRUCache(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
        this(m, 100);
     * This version of the constructor takes a map and populates this
     * map with up to maxEntries entries - actually, it'll hold the
     * <b>last</b> entries of the iterator on the argument. It's doing
     * the <tt>putAll()</tt> on the argument, and the way this works,
     * only the last 'n' are saved.
    public BKLRUCache(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m, int maxEntries) {
     * The magic happens here as the Java LinkedHashMap has a method
     * that we can intercept and tell it to keep (or not) the oldest
     * entry in the map. This is where we look at the size and then
     * see if it's a keeper or not. Simple.
    protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Entry<K, V> eldest) {
        return (size() > _maxEntries);

This is the kind of code I love to see: simple... elegent... compact. It does something very useful and it does it without a lot of grief. Amazing.

Days like this make me want to do more Java coding and learn more of the newest language additions. It might be nice.