Pretty Productive Day Today

Well... today I was able to get the moving median-based filter into my web app without too much trouble. There was a bit of grief in that I hadn't planned on having multiple data filters on the alert inputs, but that's the way you need to code - make it easy and simple, and then if you have to re-factor code, then that's when you do it. In the beginning, there was no way to know - nor reason to believe, that I was going to need multiple data scrubbers. It took me a grand total of less than an hour to add the other filter, but then about another hour to debug it due to BigDecimal versus Double issues when dealing with the output of the H2 database.

I also added a few new features to the app in order to make it a little more nimble and lightweight for those users that are reporting that the app is a little too slow and cumbersome. I can understand it - they have loaded machines and this is just one of the many things they run. So I added a feature to just show the last hour as opposed to the entire day. This will really help if all you're interested in is the recent past. Might really help.

Other than that, it's been a pretty quiet day. No major updates to anything, just nice, solid, steady progress on the app. Not a bad day at all.