The Amazing Pitchers in Middle-School Softball


This evening Liza, Nina and I went to Nina's Softball Party where the Varsity (and parents) played the Junior Varsity (and parents) in a simple 3-inning game. We then had Portillo's hotdogs (yum) and lots of little cookies and brownies, etc. It was a fun little party that the Coaches put together for the teams.

What amazed me was the arms of these middle-school pitchers. I mean Wow! I've gone to the batting cages for fastpitch softball, and it's pretty fast - face it, I can't get a complete swing in time. I can get my bat in front of it, but that's about it. But these pitchers make the machines look almost slow!


I can't get over it. By the time they get to High School and College these ladies are going to have Rocket Arms! I was simply stunned at the speed and control. Thankfully, I didn't have to bat - there were far too many people there to get through everyone in the 3-inning game, but it was enough to play a little outfield and be amazed at the skill of these players.

Hats off to these girls. I was certainly put in my place.