Updated Boxes to Git 1.6.4


Given that I've looked at Mercurial and decided against using it as my main distributed source control system, and my version of Git was, I decided to update to the latest version of Git which was 1.6.4 on my laptop, my Intel iMac at home, and my gitosis server at home. It was just time for an update. Plus, I've read that the newer versions have pulled quite a bit of the old wrapper code into the C codebase so that things are more compact and faster. All around, it looked like it was time to upgrade and get on the latest features.

The updates for my laptop and iMac were easy because there's a Google code project for a Git installer for Mac OS X. It's as easy as downloading the package, installing it and running with it. Sure, there are a few things that you might want to do if this is the initial install of Git, and I've documented these previously. But an upgrade is easy-breezy.

The update for my OS X 10.3.9 box, frosty, at home is about as easy. Again, since I've built on it before, it was as simple as:

  curl -o git.tar.gz http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/git-1.6.4.tar.gz
  cd git-1.6.4
  sudo make install

and we're off an running. Yeah, the docs aren't updated, but that's documented in the previous install, and I use my laptop for docs more, anyway.

Getting gitweb updated was pretty simple - just like the original install and it's in the Git distribution. One thing I liked about this time is that I'm a lot more savvy about the use of CSS and layout, so when I updated the code for gitweb, I fixed up the HTML for the gitweb header to be:

<div style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; width: 100%;
  <img src="/icons/repository_title.gif" alt="Dr Bobs Repository"
   width="344" height="61"/>

so that I get a nice looking header that renders a lot faster than the old TABLE HTML.

In the end, it's been about 30 mins all-told, and we are up to the latest Git at 1.6.4. Not bad at all.