Pushing Through a Pretty Tough Time

There are times when everything seems to be clicking. When you're on top of the world, things are going your way, and it seems that time flies.

And then there are the other times.

Times when time itself drags.

You wonder if you're up to finishing the next hour, let alone the day. When it seems that there is nothing that's going to get you moving through the day. Really bad times.

Well... the last few days have been like that. Things with the kids are troubling - hey, they're teenagers, and if I"m not worried, then there's something really wrong with them - or me. But still... there's worry, and then there's the grief only those that love you can fling your way.

So I'm trying to work through it. Trying to keep busy and let time travel by, and in doing so, give the kids and me a little break from one another. That's all it takes - really. A little change of view. Get started back at school and things will change. With that change, maybe we can reach each other again.

I know it's just a simple matter of a few years. After college, they'll be great people again. But I'd hate to think that the last days they are here in the house are going to be miserable. That's not a lot of fun for me - or them.

Well... there's not a lot I can do about it other than what I am doing. I just hope it all works out.