Catching Up

There are days when things work out nicely. You're able to clean up a lot of little things that have been sitting around waiting patiently for you to have to the time to get around to them. You hope you do, but many times it'll be weeks if not months before you can really get the kind of time you need to finish off these things.

And then you have a day like today.

Calm... no production problems... plenty of time to go through all those little Post-It notes and put the documentation about building or setting up this app... clear up the comments on this class... make sure the latest versions are available for the docs. It's nothing that's going to make or break a deal, but by taking the time to do it, it's going to make it easier for someone coming in later to pick things up.

Not quite sure if there's another day or two of this, but it's nice to have a little break from the action to get caught up on these things so that I can point people to them and not have to answer their questions in person all the time. Plus, it's there now, and it's not on my To Do list.