An Incredible Compliment
I was working this afternoon and happened to catch out of the corner of my eye the founding partner I work for talking to someone (whom I didn't recognize, but had a suit so he's not "native"). He was very animated... hands up in the air, big smile on his face, looking my way.
I took out my earbuds and looked over at him with a look that said "Is there anything I need to do?" His response was a fantastic compliment: "I was just bragging about you".
Double Wow.
I've always hoped that the things I did were noticed, and here I've been at the job a little less than 4 months and already it's something they are that happy with. That's really neat. I mean - Holy Cow! You don't have to do that stuff, and certainly not tell me about it.
Sweet. Put a big smile on my face.