Helping Out and Making Progress


Today has been a pretty decent day. We figured out why my NVIDIA 8400 GS video card wasn't displaying 2560x1600 with RHEL5 x86_64 - turns out the 180.51 driver was too old - when updating to the latest (185.18.14), it worked fine. Big difference to see it all and it is a great view. I can see a lot more of the code and web pages. Nice.

I also helped out a bit as a co-worker started making another page in the webapp that I started. This one was a heat map from the Google Visualizations, and it was OK, but the limitations really made it hard to display the data the way she wanted. We talked a bit, and I looked at the other visualizations and the Magic Table was really a winner. It was HTML 5-based and that's great, but also it had all she was looking for. Hopefully, it'll be easy to retrofit the Magic Table for the Heat Map.

I needed to help one of the Q/A folks get the software of mine they were testing up and going. It's been a chore as I inherited the code from another developer and the set-up of new machines is not what you'd call very deterministic. Basically, it's a "clone a VM and go" type of thing, and that leads to difficult situations when you have to re-configure it for Q/A test points.

Still, we got that going, and hopefully, we'll get through Q/A quickly and I can deploy the latest release and start on the next.

Finally, tonight is Nina's first playoff game for the 2009 softball season. The Twins go into the playoffs a 12-0 favorite - the next-best team is something like 8-4, or something like that. Still... on any given evening someone can get hot and win. Here's hoping that the Twins win this evening and move on to the next round.