Lots to Like from the WWDC Keynote


Well... the keynote didn't disappoint. I have to say that the update to the MacBooks was probably the most surprising to me. Bringing all the machines up to the 17" MacBook Pro level was pretty nice. It was also nice to hear about Safari 4 being released, and Snow Leopard for $29/$49 was simply a great deal that I can't imagine anyone passing on.

Of course the big news was the most expected - the iPhone 3GS. Hard to decide right now if this is the time for me to jump in. Teathering is there, but AT&T doesn't support it. Multi-media mail is there, but AT&T doesn't support it - yet. AT&T is trying to get a faster network, but it isn't there yet, and the coverage is really spotty I've heard from friends.

So maybe it's time, maybe not. I'll have to wait and see. But all-in-all, a nice presentation full of goodies and even a few surprises.