Google App Engine Now Does Java


I was reading today that the Google App Engine now is allowing an 'Early Look' at Java. This is really interesting based on the work I've been doing with servlets and the Google Visualization API. Interesting, to be sure. I took a little time today and read up on what they are offering. It's interesting. There's an Eclipse plug-in that can do it all, you just need to write the code. It's got a test framework built-in... not bad. I'm sure the Python version is as nice or nicer, but it's a big advantage to me to be in Java for all the Java tools I already know about.

So, it's something to consider. At this point, I can't see myself using it without a really good reason. It's putting yourself at non-trivial risk, and the lack of cost isn't that big a deal right now, but it's got the Google 'cloud' behind it, and that's nice.

SOmething to consider.